Today do something untraditional, unconventional and unexpected. LIVE through your fearless spirit.
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Inspired by my good friend Jon Mertz, of Thin Difference, who wrote his own post called Live an Unlife Life, I proffer this UNpost.
I …
Continue Reading →Blue Girl. That’s all it said.
I was surprised to discover the inscription on the inside of my grandmother’s wedding band a couple of days ago. The little gold band I now wear on the first finger of my left …
Continue Reading →Dear Resistance,
Why do you toy with me so? Have you nothing better to do? Have the Gods so cruelly cursed you with such a terrible task? Is this your punishment for some wretched trespass? Is your destiny to seduce …
Continue Reading →Shelley Lundquist
Shelley Lundquist is an international best-selling author, motivational speaker, and Self-Mastery & Success Coach who uses her intuitive gifts and powerful transformational breakthrough processes to empower audiences all over the world in leveraging the unlimited power of their own potential.
By guiding you through a journey of self-discovery and a shift in the way you perceive yourself and the world, Shelley will help you create your best life—a peaceful, harmonious life of joy and abundance, that acknowledges body, mind, and spirit.
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