“The sunny soul brings sunshine everywhere.” Hugh B. Black

Much to my surprise, and as 2011 was winding to a close, I was most generously honoured, with not one, but with two, Sunshine Awards.

In accepting these awards, I have agreed to jump through a few “happy hoops:”
(You need not, as you accept my thanks)

  1. Thank the person who gave you the award. (You can skip this one with me!)
  2. Answer 10 questions. (The giver can make up new ones. It could get interesting!)
  3. Pass the award on to 10-12 Sunshine-worthy bloggers ( It’s hard to keep the list to 10/12!)

Here’s the list of 10 questions:

  1. Favorite color: Today it’s silver-white and shimmery in honour of the beautiful sparkling snow
  2. Favorite animal: don’t have one
  3. Favorite number: 13 – Nothing is bad luck when you believe in yourself
  4. Favorite drink: can’t pick just one. hot homemade cocoa, Tetley tea, Winter Wonderland martini
  5. Facebook or Twitter: Twitter – made some amazing connections
  6. My passion: writing, helping others, learning
  7. Giving or receiving:  Giving IS receiving!
  8. Favorite day: Today!
  9. Favorite flower: wildflowers 
  10. Favorite food: don’t have one. Love flavorful food of all kinds. Almost anything NOT bland or boring!

Ok… now that that’s through, on to the next hoop!

My deepest gratitude to Betsy Cross of Betsy Cross Blogspot. Betsy is a beautiful and fun-loving soul who dances her way happily through life. Between sharing her life with a wonderful husband and 9 children, she still somehow she finds time to write and encourage purposeful living. She is truly extraordinary!

Much love and appreciation for Deeone Higgs of Releasing Me Today.  Deeone is a bright spark that encourages others to celebrate every small victory.  He inspires others to release and to let go of anything that holds them back from soaring.   His posts about personal growth are empowering, revealing, and thought-provoking. Deeone is a rare gem and a treasured friend.

I am truly thankful to these two very special people for
having faith in me and for giving me such an amazing gift.

As for me, I started blogging in October, grateful to at least be following my calling.  And then, somehow, life got busy and I strayed from it, and in a way, from myself.  It means so much to me, and as silly as it sounds, it makes my heart soar to know that my words have made even a small difference.

I, shamefacedly, admit that I have a long list of blogs that I plan to check out. So for those of you who are not yet listed, it is likely you will one day be.

In addition to Betsy and Deeone, and in random order, here is my own Sunshine Award List. As is my way, I have chosen to deviate from the prescribed formula, and have included some chats that have become an important part of my weekly journey:

Aaron Biebert of 8pm Warrior is passionate and eternally optimistic. He truly cares about making a difference in the world and invites all warriors to join in and make the world a better place.

Joe Bunting of The Write Practice is an amazing writer. I only recently discovered his blog and find the prompts both relevant, and encouraging.  His recent Manifesto “14 Prompts” oozes with inspiration.  I absolutely adore his writing style!  I also appreciate his desire to help others polish their own writing skills and to follow their own dreams.

Al Smith of The Care Movement lives a life of gratitude not “attitude.”  He believes in miracles, and to me, he is one!  He is caring, open-minded, generous of spirit, and always inspiring. He simply wants to Inspire and Influence Positive Change in the world, one person at a time – and he does!

Daniel Newman of Millenial CEO always amazes me with his honesty, kindness and integrity.  He is leader of great strength and character.  His posts are insightful, challenging, occasionally ironic, sometimes amusing, but always valuable.  He believes in accountability and authenticity, and he embodies both in all that he does and is.

Lolly Daskal, founder of Lead From Within, has a giant heart, a profound grace, and an awe-inspiring strength.  Her #leadfromwithin chat is held on Tuesday evenings at 8pm, and should you attend, you will leave changed.  Lolly is a visionary that is dedicated to nurturing others and spreading love.  She challenges others to live and lead from within, honouring each other’s differences and strengths.  She is a bright light – a beacon of hope, leading with kindness and compassion.  Lolly has a truly beautiful soul.

Kumud Ajmani of #SpiritChat on Sunday mornings at 9am offers an encouraging sanctuary to explore your spiritual growth.  He is loving, kind and non-judgmental.  He engages in conversations that take you to unexpected places and that provide an opportunity to shift your thinking.  Always a lovely Sunday morning at #spiritchat!

Angela Maiers, founder of the #youmatter campaign, is a passionate speaker and educator  that makes us all believe that those two little words #youmatter, really can change the world.  I know it’s changed my life.  Her blog posts are equally as brilliant and her ideas seem to spread like wildfire.  She is a champion of learning and leadership, and is changing the world. Inspired by her commitment, I am happily doing my own part and changing it right along with her. Angela, YOU matter!

Joanne Cipressi of #Inspirechat on Thursday mornings at 11am is a passionate, motivational, empowerment coach that helps others heal.  She has a huge heart and genuine concern for others. She is thoughtful and supportive.  Her #inspirechat and her blog posts are always a highlight of my week.

Tara Markus of #ubusensations  on Tuesday evenings at 7pm is absolutely dazzling! She celebrates every moment of life and encourages others to embrace their sensational selves.  Her giant heart and spectacular smile can be found in every wonderful word. She shines brilliantly!

Marie Wikle of Spreading Joy never ceases to amaze me with her incredible kindness and generosity of spirit. She reminds others of the joy of giving.  She encourages others to do “what they can, when they can, and with what they can,” to daily make a difference.   Marie is truly a blessing.


Thank you to each of you for your sunny souls and for being who you are.  You  make the world a better place. You have moved me, and you have enriched my life immeasurably.

May 2012 bring you all much joy and success!

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19 Responses to The Sunshine Awards

  1. Shelley,

    I prefer Twitter over Facebook as well! That is where I met you and so many other amazing people. Its a great place to roam and to discover who we resonate with. 

    I am so honored to be included with this list of truly inspiring people. I am aware of everyone on this list, except for three of these…so I will have to check them out. Always great to meet others that empower others. 

    I love that today is your favorite day. I would have been thinking about events, or my favorite day or the week. But, your answer is perfect. Today should really be our favorite day, since that is where we are present. 

    I look forward to reading more from you. Your posts are open and honest, which is so encouraging and motivating. I can see you living your passion when you write. Happy New Year! Hope it is an incredible one for you. 🙂 Hugs! 

    • Thank you for sharing answers Joanne. Today is always my favourite day, Betsy write the same, as well! Love that! – It’s a greta place to raom and to discover who we resonate with… exactly why I  prefer Twitter! I have made such wonderful connections… thank you for all that you do, and all that you are. : )

  2. Al says:

    Thanks Shelley.  Truly an honor to be on this list.  Wow.  I know most of these names and will be following them all now.   You are such a kind & giving soul.  To me, you are like Sunshine.  Shining brightly and inspiring others.  All the time.   Your continued support & encouragement are much appreciated.  I know 2012 is going to be an incredible year.  Nothing but happiness and success for you, my friend.

    Take CARE.


  3. Anonymous says:

    What a wonderful surprise, Shelley!  🙂 Congrats on receiving two Sunshine Awards! How Awesome is that?! 🙂

    I’m so ecstatic that you decided to share the sunshine with other deserving bloggers and peeps of inspiration. I’m only familiar with Al and Joanne’s work at the moment, but since I know that they are both definitely deserving; I think it’s safe to assume that the other’s are as well. So congrats to you all for being rewarded the Sunshine as well. When time permits, I’ll be sure to visit the sites you’ve listed. Thanks. 

    It was great learning more about you too, Shelley. We’ve only been connected via Twitter and our blogs; a lot of times we aren’t able to get to know our friends in 140 characters or less. So this was really wonderful to learn more about you. I loved each of your answers; but especially your “Favorite day”. That indeed is a wonderful day to choose! 🙂 That means everyday is your favorite, huh? Loved that! 😀

    While we may have had different answers to our questions; I could definitely relate to each of yours. They are indeed Fabulous!
    Very awesome read, my friend. Thanks again for sharing your light with us all! 🙂 

    Wishing you a very happy 2012. May it bring you continued love, peace, and blessings. Cheers, my friend! 🙂

    • Deeone, you are always pure sunshine. You glow. And I appreciate you. Just so you know, you would have made my sunshine list even if you hadn’t included me in yours. You are a wonderful gent! Let’s continue to get to know each other, my friend. And may 2012 bring you many blessings.

  4. Mila Araujo says:

    Such a positive post, #congrats on your sunshine awards, you are definitely shining into this new year! I jumped onto your post today from your excellent comments on @danielnewmanuv:twitter s post on winning, I think you summed things up perfectly. There are a lot of posts out there where people list out their favorite blogs, or bloggers, or even who they follow and why, but in all the ones I have read, I truly love how you put this one together, happy new year #youmatter #gratitude 🙂  cc @josepf:twitter

    • Thank you, Mila! I think it’s important to let the people who add sunshine to your life  know it.  Appreciation is a wonderful gift! And being postive is the best way to be!

      Btw, I love your profile quote. “World needs dreamers & the world needs doers..above all,the world needs dreamers who do.”~SB Breathnach – “Be the dreamer who does.”  Very well said. Sounds like you’re spreading some sunshine yourself!

  5. So honored Shelley! Thank you.  #YouMatter and you know it!  I’m honored to be a part of your life. 

  6. Betsy Cross says:

    Good job, Shelley!

    This was hard wasn’t it? Thanks for your kind words. I can always feel your positive energy in your words! So happy to have met you here. Have a fun and productive week. 

    • Thanks Betsy! In some ways, yes, it was hard! And there are a bunch of others that are also so worthy and I feel I should also have included! So many wonderfully writers and blogs out there. In another way it was easy – because it was genuine and heartfelt. I feel so truly blessed to have met you all. : )

  7. Taylor Jackson says:

    Hey Shelley! These are great!!! I hope your 2011 was everything you wanted it to be and your 2012 even better!!! I can’t wait to read your writing!!!

  8. Farouk says:

    Hi Shelley
    i wish you a great new year
    thakns for sharing these useful links 🙂

  9. Wow, thanks so much!  I was travelling when this came out, but wanted to circle back and give you my sincere thanks.  I’m honored!

    • Hi Aaron, I am honoured you stopped by. I give my gratitude to you for your great leadership and for being so inspirational. You are changing the world, and I am happy to help in any way I can.

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