For so many years I believed that I was not worthy of great things, of passion, or even of happiness. I existed on the periphery of belonging, feeling isolated and disconnected. I tried becoming what I thought others wanted me …
Continue Reading →What a whirlwind the past two weeks have been!
The #ChoosingHappiness excitement that’s gone viral, my story CRIMSON FLOWERS is featured in the transformational book Inspiration for a Woman’s Soul: Choosing Happiness published by Inspired Living Publishing.
Dreams Do Come…Continue Reading →So what would you think if I told you that your thoughts have an impact on your very neurology and that you can hardwire your brain to develop your abilities?
If you’re like most people, you leave your brain in …
Continue Reading →Forgiveness is the setting free of a prisoner only to discover that the prisoner was you.
As the watcher of my thoughts, I have learned that…
There is no need for forgiveness where judgement does not exist.Click To Tweet…
Continue Reading →I am the designer of my destiny, as you are of yours.
Easier said than done? Not once you learn how easy it really is.
Wherever you are on your journey, and whatever you encounter, you will continue to discover …
Continue Reading →Today do something untraditional, unconventional and unexpected. LIVE through your fearless spirit.
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Inspired by my good friend Jon Mertz, of Thin Difference, who wrote his own post called Live an Unlife Life, I proffer this UNpost.
I …
Continue Reading →Shelley Lundquist
Shelley Lundquist is an international best-selling author, motivational speaker, and Self-Mastery & Success Coach who uses her intuitive gifts and powerful transformational breakthrough processes to empower audiences all over the world in leveraging the unlimited power of their own potential.
By guiding you through a journey of self-discovery and a shift in the way you perceive yourself and the world, Shelley will help you create your best life—a peaceful, harmonious life of joy and abundance, that acknowledges body, mind, and spirit.
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