What a whirlwind the past two weeks have been!

The #ChoosingHappiness excitement that’s gone viral, my story CRIMSON FLOWERS is featured in the transformational book Inspiration for a Woman’s Soul: Choosing Happiness published by Inspired Living Publishing.

Not only is #ChoosingHappiness an Amazon International Bestseller in the Happiness and Self-Help categories but we also…. {DRUMROLL}

  • Lovingly bumped the one and only Tony Robbins to take #1 HOT NEW RELEASE in Self-Help ….

choosing happiness takes 1


  • And we  squeezed out OPRAH’S Book Club Pick, Ruby, to take the #1 on Amazon’s Movers’s and Shaker’s  Pinch me!!!

Wait… there’s more!

#ChoosingHappiness placed on seven, yes, seven other lists including:

# 2 BESTSELLER in Happiness (right behind The Four Agreements. (Great company to be in.)

 #10 BESTSELLER in Self-Help (We were in great company with Tony Robbins at #8 and Brene Brown at #9)

 #20 BESTSELLER in Happiness in Canada – right behind Byron Katie… International baby!!

 #1 HOT NEW RELEASE in Happiness (WOO HOO!)

 #2 HOT NEW RELEASE in Happiness – CANADA

 #10 HOT NEW RELEASE of ALL AMAZON BOOKS Yes, that means that on launch day, out of millions of books on Amazon, #ChoosingHappiness was in the Top 10!!

And a major win… #81 on Amazon’s TOP 100 BESTSELLING BOOKS LIST

It’s a dream come true!  My story, along with those of 26 visionary women, is now inspiring women around the world.

Have you grabbed your copy yet?

Time is running out to access the 50 transformational gifts that come with your purchase of #ChoosingHappiness during the official launch period.

If you already ordered your copy, then THANK YOU, THANK YOU for supporting this sacred project and bringing our book to International Bestseller!!!! Please share your comments below.

If not, get over there now before the BONUS GIFT BUNDLE is gone!

Stop by www.ChoosingHappinessBook.com to meet the authors, preview the gifts, watch the Book Trailer and of course, order your copy today!

The honest, authentic stories featured in Choosing Happiness will make you smile, cry, and laugh out loud. More importantly, they’ll prove that everyone, no matter her background or circumstances, can make the powerful choice to be happy.

I know you will be as amazed as I was by the vulnerability, the openness, the courage, and the audacity of these incredible women to choose happiness in the face of some of life’s biggest challenges.


P.S Share the love! Let the women in your life know about this inspirational book. www.ChoosingHappinessBook.com

Until we choose happiness right here, right now, in the midst of life’s messiness, we will be forever searching. So, here’s to YOU and CHOOSING HAPPINESS in your own life!

Remember:  “Every day, in every moment, we have the ability to choose happiness. Even in the midst of the darkest night, when everything is falling apart, that choice is still available. Sometimes, it’s not until we hit rock bottom that we see the choice before us—but sometimes, all it takes is a gentle reminder that we are powerful, lovable, and worthy enough to create our lives and ourselves in the image of the Divine and according to our souls’ plans.” Linda Joy, Publisher, from the introduction of ‘Inspiration for a Woman’s Soul: Choosing Happiness.

Don’t ever let anyone tell you that dreams can’t come true!





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