For so many years I believed that I was not worthy of great things, of passion, or even of happiness. I existed on the periphery of belonging, feeling isolated and disconnected. I tried becoming what I thought others wanted me …
Continue Reading →What a whirlwind the past two weeks have been!
The #ChoosingHappiness excitement that’s gone viral, my story CRIMSON FLOWERS is featured in the transformational book Inspiration for a Woman’s Soul: Choosing Happiness published by Inspired Living Publishing.
Dreams Do Come…Continue Reading →Wishes for a gentle leap into the new year, new age and new you:
May you receive all that you have been asking for with ease, grace and gentleness.Click To Tweet
May you notice that as you walk in…Continue Reading →So what would you think if I told you that your thoughts have an impact on your very neurology and that you can hardwire your brain to develop your abilities?
If you’re like most people, you leave your brain in …
Continue Reading →Forgiveness is the setting free of a prisoner only to discover that the prisoner was you.
As the watcher of my thoughts, I have learned that…
There is no need for forgiveness where judgement does not exist.Click To Tweet…
Continue Reading →The title of this guest post strikes such a chord with me. It is so true that what we look for is what we see.
When we look through eyes of love and compassion, and we look for the goodness …
Continue Reading →And so it is true, that most of us spend much of our time “elsewhere” and not truly living in the present moment. We fret about things that have happened, and worry about things that might. By doing this, we …
Continue Reading →The Secret is… you have everything you need right there inside you.
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You are Magnificence in human form.
You are free to be yourself.
You are the perfection of Life.
Beautiful affirmations for a joy-filled life:
Do …
Continue Reading →“Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you.” ~ Brian Tracy
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It has become a time-honoured and treasured tradition of mine at Thanksgiving, to simply cease and purposely ponder the …
Continue Reading →If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.” ~ Meister Eckhart
This has been an exceptionally difficult week. I feel as though I have been encountering negativity at almost every turn.
I …
Continue Reading →Shelley Lundquist
Shelley Lundquist is an international best-selling author, motivational speaker, and Self-Mastery & Success Coach who uses her intuitive gifts and powerful transformational breakthrough processes to empower audiences all over the world in leveraging the unlimited power of their own potential.
By guiding you through a journey of self-discovery and a shift in the way you perceive yourself and the world, Shelley will help you create your best life—a peaceful, harmonious life of joy and abundance, that acknowledges body, mind, and spirit.
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